Announcing our newest cancer test. Screen cancer early with Onco-D-clare. Learn more


Patient testimonials

Patient Case -
Colon Cancer

I contracted colon cancer in 2018 and had a late stage 3 tumor removed in 2019. I used your protocol of 9 enzymes and just passed 5 years cancer free. My last colonoscopy picked up a polyp, upon examination they found zero cancer cells in the polyp. Thank you very much for what you do you saved my life.


Patient Case -
Stage 1 Breast Cancer

RGCC is the BEST!

I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer at the beginning of Covid. At that time my conventional oncologist wanted to give me an aggressive protocol that I was SURE would destroy my immune system and kill me had I gotten Covid at the same time. 

He didn’t want to adjust the protocol so I researched and looked into other Integrative Doctors. I found an Integrative Oncologist in Reno Nevada who I LOVE and who has helped me tremendously. This is how I learned of RGCC. 

I first did the Onconomics Plus test. AKA (THE GREEK TEST) and got my results back. It showed how many Circulating Tumor Cells I had and what Medicines, Natural, and Pharmaceuticals would be most effective for treating/killing my particular cancer cells. 

I thank GOD that this was available as the first oncologist wanted to give me two different chemotherapies that wouldn’t have even been effective for me based on this test. So the Integrative Oncologist made my protocol based on my Onconomics Plus and I have been having great results. 

My Circulating Cancer Cells have gone down from 2.8 to 2.0.

Whenever I have had any questions, Sarah the North American representative has always quickly responded to my calls or emails and has been very thorough in answering any and all questions. If there were any answers that were beyond her level of knowledge, she made sure to reach out to the Scientists to connect me directly with them to answer any questions I may have had. 

I HIGHLY recommend using RGCC if you have been dealing with any disease that they are able to help with. I believe in both conventional and alternative treatments (More so on the Natural/Alternative treatment side ) and EVERYONE should have this available to them. There are other options out there to help you heal and RGCC is one of the best!

- T.G.

Patient Case -
Early-stage Breast Cancer

I have been involved with RGCC through my doctor for the last four years, due to early-stage breast cancer. Once a year I have done the Onconomics Plus, the Oncotrace blood/lab work. 

I have faithfully used the Onconomics Plus recommended supplements over the last four years. I can report that these modalities, together with lifestyle changes, have had a marked diminishing effect on my Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC), and keep them in a “low range”. 

Additionally, follow-up mammograms and ultrasounds show the small areas of concern in my breast have not increased in size! I also had a small vaginal “cyst” that completely disappeared. 

I sincerely believe that all of my RGCC-recommended treatments have been beneficial and have had a very healing and positive impact on my health over the last four years. I feel certain that through this early intervention, I have avoided much more serious breast cancer concerns in the future. 

I also feel it’s very important to treat other viruses or ailments, as they wear the immune system down, impacting our body’s ability to function optimally & self-correct other potentially larger problems that may be brewing under the surface. 

I truly feel that due to the insight of my doctor, who ordered the first RGCC lab work, I have been able to address the early-stage breast cancer concerns well in advance of the traditional medical community’s ability to detect any areas of concern. 

Note: None of my previous annual mammograms revealed any areas of concern. On a gut feeling, I self-paid for a “Her Scan” ultrasound, which discovered the two small areas of concern in my right breast. After sharing this information with my doctor, he encouraged me to do the RGCC labs, revealing the Circulating Tumor Cells and gene mutations. I feel that without RGCC’s early diagnosis and intervention, I was headed toward serious health challenges, potentially resulting in a full-blown breast cancer diagnosis in my future. 

I strongly encourage people to become involved with RGCC’s cutting-edge medical technologies and treatments. It helped me!

- B.T.

Patient Case -
Breast Cancer

RGCC has been an integral part of my healing journey for the past 5 years. It has allowed me to receive specialized treatments for MY cancer. After being diagnosed with Breast Cancer I felt like I was put on the conveyor belt of conventional therapies. Doctors were not looking at me as a person, just as the disease. 

When I would ask about the Why behind things, I was generally told "because that's how we treat breast cancer." I never felt like they were treating me. I knew something was missing. 

That's when I began to seek out other therapies. I found an amazing Integrative Doctor who led me to RGCC. As soon as I read the information about RGCC's specialized options for ME, I knew I had found my path.

Since starting RGCC I have never felt better.

My CTC was 5.6 (which is aggressive for breast cancer) and I am currently at 1.9 without chemo or radiation. I will continue until I reach 0. RGCC has helped save my life. I would highly recommend it to anyone considering alternative treatments. 

I opt to get the Onconomics Plus yearly so I can see which supplements are working best against my cancer. I am always amazed at how much my cancer has adapted to the supplements from year to year. RGCC is specific for you and your cancer cells in real-time. 

I now help others navigate their cancer diagnosis, so I see RGCC reports often, and I've never seen 2 be anywhere close to the same. What does that say for the Conventional medical model? We are unique individuals and so are our cancer cells. 

Thank you to all the Scientists and Doctors who have given me a way to monitor my cancer cells in real time. You have indeed saved my life.

- L.O.

Practitioner testimonials

Clayton Bell, M.D.
Meta Medical
“RGCC Cancer Testing has totally revolutionized our understanding of a client’s particular cancer.

With RGCC’s advanced testing, we are now able to create personalized cancer treatment protocols for each patient.”
Dr. Tristin Wallace, ND
Inspiration Health & Wellness
"RGCC's sensitive cell count test identified my patient's circulating malignant breast cancer cells. "
Dr. Mila McManus, MD
Founder, The Woodlands Institute for Health & Wellness
"Patient D.T. was diagnosed with stage 3a lung cancer in early 2021, had lobectomy and completed chemotherapy in May 2021.

I ordered OncoTrace and Onconomics Plus to customize a plan for secondary prevention and to help with recovery from her treatment. Her baseline CTC was 4.4 cells/ml. She began a plan of IV therapies and customized supplements based on her Onconomics report.

We repeated OncoTrace in Jan 2022 and her CTC count had decreased to 3.9.
In August 2022, CTC was 3.5, and then in April 2023, CTC was down to 3.1.

The patient is doing well and is so happy to have a quantifiable measure of her post-chemo treatments. We will continue to monitor her CTC counts and tumor markers."
Dr. Christine Stueve 
Doctor of Pastoral Science & Biblical Medicine

Founder NSIPM, Sano Consulting & Wellness Center
“I must express my gratitude and thankfulness for the incredible brilliance of the RGCC team. I had a large breast tumor in 2007 that was handled without chemo, radiation or surgery. I did not know about RGCC until 2016 when the remaining CSCs and CTCs were discovered. As aggressive as these mutated cells have presented, I surely would have had recurrence in multiple areas of my system.

For my clients, I see a massive difference as I partner with RGCC assessments and walk them through resolving trauma and unresolved stress patterns.

I am forever grateful for Dr. Papasotiriou and the RGCC team! Blessings, prayers and gratitude for continued success and partnership.”


Explore our curated collection of videos, providing an in-depth look at our innovative solutions and groundbreaking research.

Dr. Clayton Bell, MD | Gathering 2023 Interview

In this insightful interview from the 2023 RGCC Gathering, Dr. Clayton Bell shares his journey of integrating RGCC technologies into his practice in the U.S.

With a background in Functional, Environmental, and Integrative Medicine, Dr. Bell reveals how he uses RGCC’s cutting-edge cancer diagnostics and therapies to support his patients’ healing. Watch the full video to learn more.

Helena Pohlmann | Gathering 2023 Interview

Helena Pöhlmann who specializes in holistic medicine shares how she utilizes RGCC products in her clinic to best support her patients. Watch the video to learn about her experience at the 2023 RGCC Gathering in Switzerland.

Jenny Hrbacek, RN | About RGCC Testing

Cancer survivor and RGCC Practitioner, Jenny Hrbaceck, discusses RGCC testing and the impact it has made on her life.

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IAS Accreditation
Testing Laboratory
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EN ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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IAS Accreditation
Medical Laboratory
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ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 45001: 2018
No: 20152220006395
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ISO 22716: 2007
No: 20019220006394
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CLIA ID Number
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College of American Pathologists 
Certificate of Accreditation
CAP#: 9239089 
CLIA#: 99D2283882 
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Certificate of GMP Compliance
No. 512863-102689104
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Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Cell Processor - Japanese Government
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IAS Accreditation
Testing Laboratory
View TL-836 Certificate
EN ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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IAS Accreditation
Medical Laboratory
View ML-103 Certificate
ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 45001: 2018
No: 20152220006395
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ISO 22716: 2007
No: 20019220006394
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CLIA ID Number
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College of American Pathologists 
Certificate of Accreditation
CAP#: 9239089 
CLIA#: 99D2283882 
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Certificate of GMP Compliance
No. 512863-102689104
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Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Cell Processor - Japanese Government
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