Announcing our newest cancer test. Screen cancer early with Onco-D-clare. Learn more

Welcome to RGCC

More than a lab, at RGCC we have developed a complete system to guide you and your practitioner through your personalized cancer journey.

Early Diagnosis Possibility

Until recently, the beginning of your journey with RGCC was post diagnosis. However, we're thrilled to introduce you to our newest test, Onco-D-clare. It is a revolutionary blood test that empowers you to take charge of your health proactively.

Onco-D-clare utilizes cutting-edge technology to detect cancer markers early, even before symptoms arise. It is a powerful tool that allows you to address potential issues sooner and take a proactive step towards your well-being.

Establish your baseline

A cancer diagnosis can be a terrifying thing. At RGCC, we make you (the patient) our focus and your health our priority.

Once you have a cancer diagnosis, we begin by determining the status of your cancer. This establishes your baseline.

Your baseline data informs us about the behavior of your cancer at the beginning of the process. At this point, we use the Oncotrace test to gather baseline information. This will include:

• Your circulating tumor cell (CTC) count - If the CTC count goes up from this point, it means your cancer is growing. If the CTC count goes down, it means your cancer is decreasing in your body, and your treatment plan is effective.

• Phenotype markers - These markers give information about the cells’ tissue of origin. One of the advantages of this information is that it can help predict your cancer's level of resistance and evaluate potential therapeutic response to treatment

• Status of your stemness markers - These markers tell you about the activity level of the cancer cells. They provide powerful information you need to know and answer questions about your cancer:
• Is your cancer active?
• Is the cancer likely to metastasize?
• When is treatment done?
• And if you are in remission, have the cancer cells reactivated and is the cancer coming back?

Discover your personalized treatment options

This step includes our state-of-the-art Onconomics panels that provide information to build a personalized treatment protocol just for you.

Your cancer care team can then extrapolate information from these test results to customize your treatment protocols based on this data.

Monitoring your progress

This step includes our state-of-the-art Onconomics panels that provide information to build a personalized treatment protocol just for you.

Once your practitioner starts you on your treatment plan based on your RGCC test recommendations, you will need some form of monitoring to check on how your treatment is working for you.

At 3 months after starting your treatment plan, this is where monitoring testing begins. The 3-month window is ideal for your treatment protocols to have kicked in to show clear progress or decline. Based on the monitoring testing results, you and your practitioner can make an informed decision on whether to continue or change your treatment course.

Our monitoring testing protocols include the following tests:

Since the Oncocount only provides minimal information on the CTC count, it is usually used as an interim measure. Our registered practitioners prefer to use an Oncotrace or Oncotrail RGCC test to measure progress against your established baseline.

Your treatment protocols and monitoring testing usually work in continuous cycles from a treatment standpoint. This means that your first monitoring testing occurs approximately 3-months after your treatment has begun. Based on the results of the monitoring test, treatment may be adjusted. You will continue to monitor treatment effectiveness at 3-month intervals as long as you are under treatement to make sure you are always using the most effective treatment options.

The ideal time for this cycle falls within that 3 to 4-month window so you can keep a close eye on any changes to your cancer biology. 

The three Onconomics panels come into play approximately 9 months to 1 year into the treatment process. These results will show any changes that may have occurred in your cancer’s behavior so treatment always addresses the most current information about your cancer.

In fact, even once your cancer is in remission, we still continue to hold your hand through the journey to make sure you continue to stay clear of cancer. 

Remission - your recurrence prevention program

At this point, you know that your body has the propensity to develop cancer. In such a case, the fear of cancer returning need not put limits on you anymore. Our CTC tests like Oncotrace and Oncotrail RGCC can keep that fear at bay by giving you accurate and up-to-date information on cancer progression. 

And if your CTC count or stemness markers show indications of cancer recurrence, we can help immediately! 

Traditional medical oncology cannot help patients with recurring cancer until the cancer is large enough to see on imaging tests. But we can! 

In conclusion, here’s a high-level view of your path with us

We help you with early cancer detection
Find individualized information about your cancer that help set your treatment protocols
Continue to help you monitor your status, progress, and risk of recurrence.
Start your cancer healing journey with us today
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IAS Accreditation
Testing Laboratory
View TL-836 Certificate
EN ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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IAS Accreditation
Medical Laboratory
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ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 45001: 2018
No: 20152220006395
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ISO 22716: 2007
No: 20019220006394
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CLIA ID Number
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College of American Pathologists 
Certificate of Accreditation
CAP#: 9239089 
CLIA#: 99D2283882 
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Certificate of GMP Compliance
No. 512863-102689104
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Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Cell Processor - Japanese Government
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IAS Accreditation
Testing Laboratory
View TL-836 Certificate
EN ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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IAS Accreditation
Medical Laboratory
View ML-103 Certificate
ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 45001: 2018
No: 20152220006395
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ISO 22716: 2007
No: 20019220006394
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CLIA ID Number
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College of American Pathologists 
Certificate of Accreditation
CAP#: 9239089 
CLIA#: 99D2283882 
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Certificate of GMP Compliance
No. 512863-102689104
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Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Cell Processor - Japanese Government
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