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Our tests | Onconomics panels

Onconomics Extracts+

Onconomics Extracts+ is an extension of our Onconomics Extracts test. It provides valuable input for identifying the best natural treatments for your cancer. Onconomics Extracts+ provides highly detailed and accurate information about how effective specific natural substances and plant extracts are, as anticancer agents. 

It provides vital information for patients who have exhausted their chemotherapeutic options or prefer to use a non-chemotherapeutic approach.

The test result creates an individualized profile that sheds light on how the cancer behaves in your body by providing deeper insight into the gene expressions of your cancer cells.

Onconomics Extracts+

How the test works

The Onconomics Extracts+ test helps answer the question, “Which natural substances are the most effective for targeting your cancer?” The information it uncovers can become crucial for devising an individualized treatment plan for you. 

The Onconomics Extracts+ test provides information about the following details.

  • Circulating tumor cell (CTC) count 
  • Gene expressions of your cancer cells
  • Effectiveness of 50+ natural substances and plant extracts on your cancer cells
  • Resistance factor of your cancer cells

The Onconomics Extracts+ test panel is performed on a sample of your blood using our liquid biopsy technique. 

Even with the same cancer type diagnosis, no two patients are the same. Your individual biology and how the cancer cells behave in your body are unique to you. Personalizing treatment for individual patients can, therefore, offer a better chance for treatment to be effective.

Let’s look at the type of information returned as part of the Onconomics Extracts+ panel.

CTC count

The Onconomics Extracts+ panel returns your CTC count, which measures the volume of the cancer cells in your bloodstream. Knowing the pattern of movement of your CTC count - whether it is increasing or decreasing - can guide treatment choices toward achieving better results.

Gene expressions

Genetic expressions define how the information in a gene is turned into a function. For example, the gene expressions of your cancer cells can reveal how quickly your body lays down blood supply that feeds the cancer. It can also reveal information on how quickly cancer cells adapt to become resistant to treatment and how sensitive your cancer cells are to heat therapies like hyperthermia or radiation. 

Knowing this information can guide how your treatment protocols are set up. For instance, the treatment plan can ensure that your treatment protocols are rotated on a shorter timeline so that they can benefit you before the cells become resistant. 

The gene expression profile analyzes which genes associated with fundamental biological processes are turned on or off for every patient. These processes can include:

  • Angiogenesis: Formation of new blood vessels, often seen in wound healing or the growth of tumors
  • Cell cycle regulation: Control of the cell division process, which is crucial for growth, repair, and reproduction
  • Self-repair: Ability of cells and tissues to heal and regenerate
  • Metastasis: Spread of cancer cells from their original site to other parts of the body
  • Apoptosis: Programmed cell death, a natural process that helps maintain tissue homeostasis (internal stability)
  • Proliferation: Rapid reproduction or multiplication of cells

This profile with genetic expressions is helpful in customizing treatment protocols for each individual patient. This is because each patient’s gene expressions are unique, just like their fingerprint. 

This data gives your practitioner information that helps them add treatment options based on these expressions, enhancing your cancer care.

Natural substances

Many natural substances are known to have cancer-targeting properties. However, not all substances work equally for every patient. For instance, while some patients may benefit from turmeric or high doses of vitamin C, others may see no change in their cancer status.

The Onconomics Extracts+ panel takes the guesswork out of the picture and tests over 50 natural substances on your cancer cells. This information provides evidence on which substances will likely have the greatest chance of showing positive results for your body and cancer.

Additional substances

We can also include five additional substances in the price of the Onconomics Extracts+ test. Each additional substance beyond the five is charged separately, but there is no upper limit to how many you can add. 

If a patient wants to test a substance that is not on our list, we can accept small samples of the said substance(s) in the lab along with the blood sample. Here is a guideline on how to package a physical sample to ship to our lab when needed.

Using the Onconomics Extracts+ panel for best results

The Onconomics Extracts+ panel is an incredibly empowering tool that patients and practitioners can use to find out exactly what types of treatments can help each individual patient. 

When a patient partners with us, we begin by establishing a baseline of their readings with the Oncotrace test. The patient’s care team has this information as a yardstick against which progress can be measured going forward.

Patients follow this up with our Onconomics Extracts+ panel to receive comprehensive information on the efficacy of various natural substances on their cancer.

This test provides data about specific substances from the natural world that can be effective on their cancer. It also offers an individualized patient profile for each patient and analyzes the genetic behavior of the specific cancer in their body.

Although the test results are quite technical in nature, your accredited practitioner can help you interpret these results and guide you on your treatment journey. While some treatment options may not be part of conventional treatment models, your care team can guide you through the process of identifying suitable treatments based on our test panel recommendations.

What to expect during testing

For the Onconomics Extracts+ panel, a liquid biopsy is performed with a sample of blood drawn from your body. Patients provide us with their blood samples; no surgery or tissue biopsy is needed. Brain and CNS cancers require a tissue or CSF sample instead of blood sample.

All samples are shipped to our international laboratory in Greece. All our accredited practitioners and clinicians understand our shipping instructions and ensure the samples arrive in perfect condition. Test results can take 7-10 days from arrival at the lab to be ready.

Price in Euros: € 1750

* Prices in $USD vary slightly based on the exchange rate on the day the test is ordered.
** These prices do not include in-office fees such as consultation, blood draws, IV administration, etc.

View a sample Onconomics Extracts+ report

To know what to expect from the test results, view a sample Onconomics Extracts+ report here.

Accessing the results

Your sample will be processed at our state-of-the-art laboratory in Greece. Once the test is completed, we will provide a detailed breakdown of our findings. The results are sent to your accredited practitioner, who downloads the report and sets up an appointment with you to go over the results.

We recommend that you also discuss the results with your cancer care team and work together to develop a personalized treatment plan based on our findings.

Access cutting-edge cancer care tools with our Onconomics Panels

Our scientists use world-leading technology, equipment, and innovative techniques to develop a range of cancer screening and monitoring tests. Our tests help cancer patients and their healthcare professionals get a comprehensive but personalized view of each patient’s genetics, physiology, and immune profiles.

We believe this level of detail is crucial in developing an individualized care plan for every patient struggling with cancer. We aim to provide a unique insight into every patient’s cancer biology to empower them about what treatment modalities are ideal for bringing them success in their cancer journey!

Reach out to us to start your journey to empowering information for your cancer treatment today by contacting us online.

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Testing Laboratory
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EN ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 45001: 2018
No: 20152220006395
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ISO 22716: 2007
No: 20019220006394
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College of American Pathologists 
Certificate of Accreditation
CAP#: 9239089 
CLIA#: 99D2283882 
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Certificate of GMP Compliance
No. 512863-102689104
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Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Cell Processor - Japanese Government
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IAS Accreditation
Testing Laboratory
View TL-836 Certificate
EN ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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IAS Accreditation
Medical Laboratory
View ML-103 Certificate
ISO 22000: 2018
No: 20101200002689
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ISO 45001: 2018
No: 20152220006395
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ISO 22716: 2007
No: 20019220006394
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College of American Pathologists 
Certificate of Accreditation
CAP#: 9239089 
CLIA#: 99D2283882 
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Certificate of GMP Compliance
No. 512863-102689104
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Accreditation Certificate of Foreign Cell Processor - Japanese Government
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